Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Carolyn Westbrook: Lazy Days of Summer

This is a shot from my Summer Sale in July. This is my friend Wendy's Baby, Sophia. She is truly a little doll baby. Thank you Wendy, for letting me share this beautiful picture.

I thought that I would also share this with you, as a late summer project. This swing was the hit of my Summer Sale, and I was proud to not only be able to think of it, but to implement it, as well. You know, when you visualize something, and it does not turn out as good as you think or you simply cannot get it to work. Well, this was easy and worked perfectly. I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to lay on this, under the trees, and gently rock back and forth. It is HEAVEN! You gotta have one!

Here's How To Do It:
I took a sheet of 1/2" plywood and put the twin mattress on it and drew off around it. Then I cut the pattern on the plywood out with a jigsaw. Don't be afraid, jigsaws are very easy to use and remember, GIRL POWER! I bought some heavy duty rope at Home Depot (was in with the swingset supplies) and you will need quite a bit, if it is a tall tree. I bought a 50 ft. piece. I drilled holes in each corner of the plywood ( being careful to put them all in the same spot, so it would hang level. Then I threw the rope over the tree limb and doubled it with a loop, then pulled the rope through the loop, and tightened it up around the limb. I then ran the rope down to either side and put several knots in, to make one big knot, which held great. Now for the fun part. I bought some pretty floral sheets ( using the flat sheet to cover the box springs)and then we hoisted the box springs and mattress on to the platform, and Voila!

Can't you just imagine yourself, lying about, gazing up through the trees, and even on the hottest days, under the trees it is nice (with a breeze blowing). Everyone had to try it out for themselves at the sale, and it is surprising how sturdy it is. Hope that everyone gets a chance to savor these late summer days in your very own swing bed!
XOXO Carolyn
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PamKittyMorning said...

This makes me want to move to a house with a big ol' tree. Completely lovely!

debi lynn mattingly said...

I LOVE this! So much better than a hammock...because I always have trouble getting in and out of a hammock. Actually, I tend to "roll out" of them...LOL

I think this one would be much easier to get out of? Guess, I will need to come visit someday to test it out. Or are you going to have this at the show for me to "rest" on...hey wait a minute...this could be my "place to stay" for Warrenton??? LOL


trash talk said...

It is beautiful and I can vouch for how strong it really is...Cat Daddy load tested it himself!
P.S. Aren't you sweet to share your DIY secret?