From all of us at Carolyn Westbrook Home, to all of you, we hope that you have a wonderful holiday weekend! Whether you are sleeping late, something that we all rarely do, but hey, now that the kids are out of school, let's all try and do that, shall we. Let's make a pledge right now, that we are going to enjoy this summer. I know, I know, we say that every year, but this year will be different, because we will make it so, right? So, everyone get those pinkies up in the air and pinkie swear: This summer, I pledge to spend lots of time with family and friends. I will actually read a book and not just read a book or two, but finish them. Preferably, while lying in the sun, whether in some exotic location on the beach or next to the kids blow-up swimming pool (that the top ring has deflated on, and we cannot figure out how to use the patch kit or even know where it is) but hey, it still holds water, right! Cheers to that! Here's to being positive, more loving and being appreciative for what we have (we may not have anything but a splash pool, but thank God for that) and to just being fun to be around, you know, like when you were when you were a kid! Here's to getting excited about the little things in life, like a big ol glass of iced tea, Whoo Hoo! Here's to embracing those warm temperatures (It has been no time ago that I was griping about the snow) and lets be thankful of the long daylight hours, and for lightening bugs! I saw some last night as I was walking down the driveway. Your time to start living life to the fullest, STARTS NOW!
Here is to peaceful sun-filled days. Let's vow to rock on the porch or at least sit outside, go fishing or paint a room, to make s'mores with the kids or have a bike ride. Whatever it is, just remember to enjoy and to count your blessings, because we are all blessed to live in a country that we are free to do all of that. Thanks to all of the men and women that have protected us and continue to do so! God Bless the United States of America and all of us that call it home!
P.S. Summer begins NOW! Get our there and enjoy it!