First, I apologize for taking so long between blogs. Things have been really busy. Ok...y'all know how last year, I complained about the cold weather. This year has been waaay worse. I am ready for spring weather, the sun, flowers, green grass, so what is up with all of this cold weather??BUT...it is sort of nice to have a snow day every now and then. To be able to have the whole family sort of haven up, and except for Nicholas being buried in the snow, things have been very peaceful and beautiful, and I try not to think about the 1,000 gallons of propane flowing through the lines, right now.
You should see what is going on around here. We did another overhaul on Victoria's little cottage and it is looking very quaint and cute. She is now working at a little coffee shop in Corsicana, Texas called, Two Doors Down, and going to school and saving the world. If you are ever in the area, you really should check out this little coffee shop. It is so charming with little rooms, nooks and crannies all over the place filled with flea market furniture, (which I love), and bookshelves that are filled with books, so that you can just pluck one off the shelf and go curl up with a good cup of coffee and read.
The best part about this little shop is the lunch. You can get an amazing sandwich that is turkey and dressing, complete with cranberry sauce. The real highlight is the homemade bread pudding. I have never been a fan, until I tasted theirs. The owner's name is Todd and he lives here in Chatfield. The coffee shop is right off of Beaton Street and 6th in Corsicana. If you go, make sure that you tell Todd that I sent you.
So, all of y'all know that our beloved Jack, the big black lab, died last year of bone cancer. Victoria calls me from the pound and tells me about this black lab with only two weeks to live. Of course, not much later I am at the pound and I am looking at "Jake." Whatta think...not much later, Jake is hopping in my truck with me. They told me he is 3-4 years old and he has to be "fixed." The "fixing" part was sorta rough and I had to take him back several times. On the last trip, I ask the vet...he seems to be very lazy and not much of a guard dog, is it because of the "Fix." The vet looks at me and said, "Well that and he is old." I looked at him and tell him that the pound says he is 3-4 years old. He reaches over and pulls his lip down to expose his nubby teeth and said that the dog was at least 10 years old. I could not believe it. I spent all this money on a dog that is probably going to croak soon...and he said, at least he will die healthy. I didn't care how old he was, he was now ours.
As I pulled up to the house and he jumps from the truck and sprawls out on the back porch...thinking that I am going to have to change his name to Old Dog.
Meanwhile, Nick calls me from the stock show and wants to bring home chicks. I told him absolutely not!!!I do not need anything else to take care of. A few hours later, he comes through the door with a box full of baby chicks. Since Old Dog is in the laundry room, the chicks had to reside in the dining room. I have been hosting many meetings in the dining room, which is also used for a conference room, and now have a heat lamp with some peeping chicks in there to add to the atmosphere, and a slighty stinky Old Dog in the laundry room. Too cold to bathe him and let's not forget about Princess and Teddy ( the schnauzers).
Then...the frigid temps come in and we have to bring Bella (English Spaniel)in the house to add to the mix. It is the night of the 10 degree weather and I am laying in bed wondering how cold the grown hens in the chicken house can take it. It is enclosed and there is lots of hay, but I begin to worry about the chickens, so I put on my rubber boots and go out to the chicken house with a spotlight and a pet carrier. I peeked in and shined the light and they were fine. The hen house was not that cold. Thank Goodness!
I need a snow day after all of this and ready for sunny weather, but this does give us a good excuse to grab a mug of hot cocoa in our warm slippers and fuzzy p.j.'s and lay in bed under the covers looking through our favorite magazines...or maybe a good book (Carolyn Westbrook: The French Inspired Home.) How's that for shameless promotion.
Wanted everyone to know that because of all that is going on, that I will not be at Urban Market in February. I will miss it and you, but the good news is Roundtop/Warrenton Antique Show will be here before you know it!
Ya'll enjoy your snow day! xo Carolyn